Established to give back to the land, the wildlife and the people of the forests of Chhattisgarh and Madhya Pradesh, the Singinawa Conservation Foundation was conceived. Mrs Tulika Kedia along with her management team and a team of excellent, knowledgeable Naturalists have been living up to the mandate and the results are a testament to their unwavering drive. Their work and interests span all aspects of life in the region. From expanding the area under the forest cover to planting and nourishing 30,000 saplings on the Singinawa land, their work in terms of conservation is unparalleled.

The work by the foundation towards economic emancipation of the tribal artists supporting the Gond art form among others by setting up The Kanha Museum of life & Art along with Dr Alka Pande has won the hearts and minds of the local tribes. Through its initiatives via The Kanha Museum of life & Art, SCF keeps alive the cultural and artistic practices unique to the land and forests around.

On the social and humanitarian front, SCF has made sure no one dies of snake bites in their adopted village of Pithora by keeping a well-stocked pharmacy at the Anjali Health Clinic run by Dr Sr. Siji.

Being true to the guiding philosophy of being “Protectors of the Sacred Forests”, Singinawa Conservation Foundation recognises the importance of forest guards for the health of the forests and also their role in drumming up community support for the various programs designed by governmental and non-governmental organizations for Tiger protection. These heroes lead a hard life patrolling the unforgiving forests day and night. Singinawa Conservation Foundation goes to all possible lengths to do its bit to make their lives more comfortable. Towards this end, marrying their other guiding force of sustainable living, they installed a 1kW solar unit in each camp at the Bhaisan Ghat and Sukhadi anti-poaching camp, earning the gratitude and appreciation of the forest officials and guards alike.

Singinawa Conservation Foundation believes in the power and ethos of education at all levels and has since inception supported by various efforts, educational programs at all levels. By providing school bus to the Bhorsingh School they have made education accessible for many children from tribal villages around. At the higher echelons of learning and academia too, SCF has done its bit by providing a platform for the talented Naturalists who work in the region. One such up and coming naturalist, Zeeshan Mirza has had great success exploring, finding and documenting biodiversity around the country. Some such major finds recently were new species of Gecko and spider he discovered in the Eastern Ghats.
Guests are encouraged to contribute in whatever fashion they are willing to, by volunteering on one of the many initiatives of SCF. This has been a huge success, particularly with the guests enjoying teaching and interacting at the local schools. In giving, they feel they received so much more. We welcome you to partake of this.