Wildlife Conservation Initiatives

Study nature, love nature, stay close to the nature. It will never fail you.
— Frank Lloyd Wright
Red Coral and its partners are firm believers in the ethos of giving back to the nature, wildlife
and the flora & fauna around us.
Bamboo Forest Safari Lodge situated at the Tadoba-Andhari Tiger Reserve launched an
initiative called, Community Owned Community Operated Nature Conservancy’s
(COCOONs), aiming to transform farm lands that obstruct the migratory routes of wildlife
and build eco-wildlife tourism home-stays for the farmers furthermore helping them run the
home stays with training and financial assistance.
The Singinawa Conservation Foundation based in Madhya Pradesh has done extensive work
on plantation and nourishing 30,000 samplings on the Singhwa Land. The foundation’s
efforts on preventing deaths from snake bites in their adopted village of Pithora is also
Forsyth Lodge, Satpura have taken up ‘Organic Gardening’ at their property which is another
step towards sustainability and conservation. The management at Forsyth Lodge are
attempting to produce their own food using organic products aiming educate the local farmers to adopt organic farming, creating a safe farming environment and a sustainable system in the
long run.